Therapeutic Services

Speech-Language Therapy
Speech therapists work either individually with children or in small groups to improve their receptive, expressive and pragmatic language skills, speech intelligibility, oro-motor functioning and/or feeding skill development. Treatment approaches vary according to the needs of each child and may include:

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • American Sign Language (ASL)
  • Picture Exchange Communication Symbols (PECS)
  • Low-tech and high tech communication devices
  • Picture communication boards/books
  • PROMPT Therapy
  • Feeding Therapy

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists provide individual treatment to children to promote their fine motor skills, overall muscle strength, control and coordination.  Areas addressed in Occupational Therapy include:

  • Sensory processing (sensory gymnasium on site)
  • Upper extremity strength and coordination
  • Prehension and fine motor development
  • Visual-motor skills
  • Perceptual-cognitive skills
  • Activities of daily living; self-care skills

Physical Therapy
Physical therapists work individually with children to enhance their gross motor development through a variety of therapeutic interventions.  The therapeutic program is determined by an evaluation of each child’s quality of movement and level of motor functioning.  Goals of Physical Therapy include the improvement of:

  • Postural stability and control
  • Balance and coordination
  • Gross motor functional skill

Psychological and Social Work Services
Psychologists and social workers provide ongoing support for children, staff and families.  They assist families in obtaining necessary services as well as providing information and referral services. Psychologists assess children’s cognitive and adaptive functioning levels through formal and informal testing.  They meet with parents to apprise them of test results.  Psychologists and social workers are liaisons between classroom teachers and families.  In addition, they provide:

  • Individual and group counseling for parents and/or children
  • Weekly support groups for mothers, fathers and siblings offered during day and evening hours
  • Social skills groups
  • Educational workshops for parents and staff
  • Functional Behavior Analyses (FBA)
  • Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP)

Movement Therapy
Movement Therapy enables children to engage in a meaningful exploration of self, the environment and others. The Movement Therapy Program also addresses the needs of children whose difficulty with verbal interaction may adversely affect their social and/or emotional development.  Group and individual movement therapy sessions help build a positive body image and encourage appropriate social skills through the use of music, movement and rhythmic activities.

The Adaptive Physical Education Program
Adaptive physical education encompasses all aspects of gross motor functioning in ways that encourage children to develop both physical fitness and social interaction through sport and movement activities.  In this program, children participate in activities specifically designed to promote coordination, strength, balance and motor skills. 

Nursing Services
Three registered nurses are available during school hours to attend to children’s health needs, provide first aid and to administer prescribed medications and treatments.