Elementary School Program (5-12 years)

HLVS utilizes a developmental curriculum that incorporates all of the New York State school-age standards. In addition, all standardized testing required by New York State Education Department is administered to elementary school age children. Each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) is carefully implemented. Appropriate goals are developed according to each child’s level of functioning in every skill area. Interdisciplinary meetings are regularly scheduled with the educational/therapeutic teams and the school administration to fully monitor, discuss and assess the ongoing needs of each child.

Classes are comprised of children with similar academic/social needs and learning styles.
Class ratios (6:1:2, 12:1:4) day are based upon the needs of each individual child.

Therapeutic Services are provided in accordance with the child’s IEP and incorporated into the student’s day. They can include:

  • Speech Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Counseling
  • Parent Counseling and Parent Training

Applied Behavior Analysis Program
The Applied Behavior Analysis program at HLVS utilizes evidence-based teaching techniques in our highly structured classrooms. Goals and tasks are individualized according to each student’s learning style and Individualized Educational Plan. Teaching techniques include discrete trial instruction, task analysis and natural environment/incidental teaching as well as well as individualized sensory integration programs. There is a strong emphasis on incorporating visual systems within the classroom environment

Elementary School Itinerant Services

HLVS provides services to school age children. These services are determined in collaboration with the parents and the child’s school district’s Committee on Special Education (CSE).

School Age Services include:

  • Speech Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Counseling
  • Parent Counseling and Parent Training

These services may take place at HLVS, in the home, private school setting or a childcare setting.
HLVS School Age Itinerant providers are New York State licensed or certified.
Services for elementary school children are funded through a child’s local school district.