HLVS Online Holiday Sale

Little Village is sponsoring an online holiday gift sale. We will be offering products from: Meadow Farms Fundraising featuring Kringle Candles!

The link below will direct you to our fundraising page through Meadow Farms.

Please click here for our fundraising page.

Please look through the website and be sure to register as a seller. Do some shopping for yourself and ask friends and family to support us too! You can also use the website to send out messages to people may want to support us, post about our fundraiser on social media, and more!

The money generated through this fundraising effort will go to support programs for our children throughout the year!

The fundraiser will be active from Monday, September 16th – Friday, October 11th.

Instructions to register as a seller:

  • Click here to visit our fundraising link
  • Click on “REGISTER A SELLER” so you can keep track of your sales and earn prizes
  • Enter our SCHOOL ID: 1196140
  • Follow the instructions to text, tweet, or share our Fundraiser. Spread the Word!

Questions- Please contact Janet Mouliere at 516-520-6067 or janet.mouliere at littlevillage.org